EN : Images has been Tonino De Marco’s calling from a very young age. As a child, he was drawn to photography and moving images : movies, advertising and documentaries. Long before he could afford his first camera, he was dreaming of and admiring the work of photographer Art Wolfe. When he was 21 years old, he started photography as a hobby while working as a professional focus puller in the film industry. He also worked as a teacher of cinematography techniques in Paris. Today he splits his time between his two passions, making movies and long solitary trips to Africa to photograph its incredible wildlife. His images are distributed by contacting him directly, or through Bios Photo Agency.
FR : Tonino De Marco est attiré depuis toujours par la photographie et l’image en mouvement – film, publicité, documentaire. Bien avant de pouvoir se payer son premier appareil photo, il rêve et admire le travail de photographes comme Art Wolfe. A l’âge de 21 ans, il commence à la fois la photographie en amateur, et le cinéma en professionnel, en tant qu’assistant caméra. Il a enseigné également la technique de caméra et de prise de vue. Aujourd’hui, il partage sa vie entre les tournages, et de longs voyages en solo en Afrique pour photographier les animaux. Les photographies de Tonino De Marco sont distribuées en le contactant directement, ou via l’agence Bios Photo.